Sina Pishgam Daru Nevin Company, after successfully importing drugs, using expert and skilled forces and according to the company’s policies, which aims to provide the world’s people with quality products, as well as Iran’s political goal in developing non-oil exports, in addition to Supplying the pharmaceutical market of the country considers it necessary to export pharmaceutical products to the world markets.

Sina Pishgam Daru Company has carried out the necessary and specialized investigations on drug export markets and has visited international exhibitions in Asia, Europe and Africa and exports drugs to the countries of Iraq, Afghanistan, Armenia and Somalia. This company has started producing its products since 2016, which include: Sildenafil 1% topical gel with Erecgel brand, O.R.S-EFF effervescent tablet in three different flavors (orange, lemon and strawberry), anti-cough syrup.Cuff with ivy plant extract is suitable for children, vaginal antifungal cream and clindamazole containing clindamycin and clotrimazole (Clindamycin 2% – Clotrimazole 2%) which has been introduced in global markets and its business partners.

Due to our connections with Iranian pharmaceutical manufacturers, this company has a good potential to introduce the products of pharmaceutical companies and export to different countries. Meanwhile, our company has registered about 50 drugs from different foreign companies in Iran.

Germany, Ireland, Slovakia, Italy, Spain, Ukraine, Portugal, Switzerland, England, France, Greece, Bulgaria